Talk Works intend to provide a safe and confidential place where you are free to explore yourself in a non-judgmental atmosphere and examine your innermost thoughts, feelings, blocks and discover possible solutions to your difficulties. Our aim is not to advice you or to give you ready-made solutions, but rather to help you see your own answers.
To serve this purpose we deploy well trained psychological counselors while we hold an advisory board with General Practitioners(GPs), Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists and necessary NGOs. We see that every individual is unique but not immaculate or absolute. We are determined to nurture a well functioning, realistic person of all walks of life whether it is an individual, child, parent, couple, a professional and so forth.
A Counsellor is someone you can talk to about issues in your life that are troubling you. This talking is not an apologetic act or something so but it is an act of talking about your difficulty/(ies). This act of talking makes you see the solutions which were there. Counsellor is the one to facilitate you to see those solutions which are born along with the problem. Due to many matters like hurts and wounds, unmet needs like love, acceptance, forgiveness etc., you could not realize your potentialities. Here, your talks and counsellor’s skillful facilitation make you see your own potentialities which will enable you to solve the problem. So you could see the counsellor as a helper who suggests you some ideas or ways to deal with the problem or situation. In this helping process, counsellor respects your values, personal resources and capacity for self determination. Counsellor is the one who realize that helping often involves modeling the behavior they hope others will achieve.
Counselling means many things to many people. Its essence can be denoted as the particular relationship between people that leads to healing, growth and change to be autonomous and caring in
living with oneself and others. It is one of the most important tools to be used to tackle some personal problems and develop the potentialities of people. In counselling the counsellor gives
emphasis on working with what the client needs rather than what somebody else thinks what they needed.
Medication is not needed for the majority of mental and personality disorders. They can be easily treated with Talk Treatment, for which we call Counselling, and Psychotherapy.
Counselling is not only applicable for the people with problems or disorders but it is also meant to boost your potentialities, to develop your personality, to capable yourself
in making successful goals, to become a well functioning professional, to make yourself a good student and or Parent etc..
Further, we “Talk Works” firmly believe that the teachings of real and faultless religious resources, prayers and practices can be appropriately used by those who wanted to do so
and strengthen the person in facing his/her struggles. Counselling is also a caring and loving relationship to increase the love and reliability to the Almighty Creator in human beings.
Talk Works intend to provide a safe and confidential place where you are free to explore yourself in a non-judgmental atmosphere.